In the summer of 2001, Ryo Hagio, a high school student living in a country town by the sea, is spending his last summer vacation in high school with his classmates Manabu, Kosugi, and Hotta. One day, he meets Wang Jia-ling, a foreign exchange student from Taiwan who dreams of becoming a dolphin trainer. Ryo, who hates dolphins and the ocean, is at odds with Ling, but when he learns of her true feelings about coming to Japan, they begin to have a heart-to-heart talk...
Stars: An Ogawa, Yusuke Takahashi, Tsutomu Nagabe, Hiroshi Furukawa, Yuki Hirose, Masato Yamada
Crew: Keisuke Shibata (Director), Kanon Murakami (Writer), Koji Ichihashi (Producer), Kentarô Kodama (Associate Producer), Moriaki Kanno (Director of Photography), Tomomi Kikuchi (Editor)
Runtime: 112 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jun 22, 2019
IMDb: 4